Resurrection silver
Resurrection, the resurrection of the flower that, after showing the world its beauty, decays, retreating to its original form.
At this stage, one has the impression that, the same, it may be deceased, a victim of the cold but, in fact, it is just regenerating its energies, so that it can in order to rebound from the hard ground and rise again, demonstrating, once again, its strength and beauty.
But, in addition to a good dose of strength and energy, in order to resume this whole cycle, there is a need for a fundamental component, which is within us as it is for the flower, this component is courage.
Well yes, it takes courage to rise from one's ashes, especially when one has reached a point where we felt beautiful and unassailable but, the inexorability of life can hit us and bring us back down from our pedestal.
It is from this thought, that the ring takes its inspiration, with the hope that it can be a source of strength, determination and courage, for the wearer.